
People to Be Loved

Subtitle: Why Homosexuality Is Not Just an Issue

by Preston Sprinkle | Print, 224 pg.

Review by made. known.

With this thorough and honest evaluation of the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality, author Preston Sprinkle urges the Church to approach the “issue” with a fresh perspective. Namely, he wants us to see that homosexuality is not just an issue, or a talking point, or a debate. It’s about people—people, like anyone else, whom Christ came to love, and whom we are called to love in return. Sprinkle brings years of pastoral experience and personal stories to the table as he goes passage-by-passage (and person-by-person) to create a complete and nuanced picture of a topic that’s too often treated with broad, clumsy strokes and blunt, hurtful words. Directing his words both to called workers and laypeople, both to those wanting to be understood and those seeking to understand, Sprinkle is “not calling on the church to give up its convictions; [he is] calling on the church to change its posture, to be convicted about Christ’s stubborn one-way love that he called us to mediate to others.”

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