
It seems as though the gospel continuously unfolds over time. God’s grace is simple enough to be grasped with seed-sized faith, but so profound that it continues to sink into every crack in our lives over years and years. Knowing this, perhaps the many, many questions that come with the LGBTQ experience need to be given air and room to be asked. Jesus can speak to each and every one of them, given the space and time for honest reflection (though often he seems to say, “You don’t need that answer yet, just walk with me for now.”) We’ve made that space for reflection, here.

We’ve collected — and will continue to collect — Perspectives on LGBTQ topics and questions, Stories from firsthand sources, Devotions to soothe our souls, Reviews of other helpful resources, and Presentations to bring these conversations to your group or ministry. Our hope is that through these resources, we can collectively move toward a better understanding of LGBTQ+ matters and the hope and future Jesus offers those affected by them.


These are short-form thoughts on specific topics and questions. They are written by pastors, professors, counselors, and regular plain old Christians.

NOTE: These are not the final word on matters of doctrine and Biblical truth – we look to God’s Word alone for that. These are also not a complete way to learn about LGBTQ+ matters. Read books, talk to your community, and perhaps most importantly, get to know the LGBTQ+ people in your life to learn more.


These are real accounts written by real people wrestling with LGBTQ+ matters from a variety of backgrounds. Use them to better understand the plight of the writers and grow your familiarity with these experiences.

NOTE: Keep in mind that these are snapshots of a person’s journey of faith. The writers are figuring things out just like the rest of us, and like the rest of us their journey will include points of clarity as well as points of confusion.


These are food for the journey: reminders of what’s real and touchpoints of wisdom to help you keep your eyes on Jesus and his promises. Use them with yourself, your loved ones, or your community.

NOTE: These are not a fair substitute for regular personal study, prayer, worship, or fellowship with Christian Community. We’re glad if you find them useful, but they’re only one part of a healthy spiritual diet for your faith and wellbeing.


These are reactions to and summaries of additional resources that may be helpful to our readers, including books, papers, podcasts, and content produced by other organizations doing work similar to made. known.

NOTE: Reviews are not to be taken as outright affirmations of a resource in its entirety. As in all things in a fallen world, keep an eye out for false doctrine, commend the good, and learn what can be learned.


These are talks and workshops made to be shared with your congregations, students, faculty, or other groups. Speakers can be requested to present virtually or in person. Check back in regularly for new options.

NOTE: Please let these become ongoing conversations in your circles; these presentations are not meant to “check the box” of covering LGBTQ matters once a year with your church, school, or team.